Sunday, 27 July 2014

Voicelessness / On being absent

Voicing thoughts on voicelessness and being absent for Unkept

Photographs by Liam James: documentation from the work, Wind Poem for a Cobweb - performance in 5 parts, as part of Unkept exhibition 2014.


  1. I want to sit down and listen to this properly when I have a bit more time but I'm sorry you've been feeling so negatively absent, so disconnected from the show and for our silence from this end once the opening had happened!!!!

    I think we all had a bit of a post show blues patch. I had a big anxiety attack when I got back to Adelaide and then developed an ear infection and spent the week in bed not talking to anyone. I was aware of wanting to contact you - to tell you how the opening went, and about the artist talk and how beautifully Tam's performances were, to send you recordings of both the whistle and the trumpet and a couple of photos I took - but I was stuck in a downward spiral of negative thoughts.

    I'll get onto it this week though, I promise!!

    The bike accident sounds awful and I hope you are OK xxx.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts via voice Claire. It's really lovely to listen to... It's like a one-sided conversation continuation from our Skype conversation after the install, opening, artist talk.

    It feels even weirder now that the exhibition has been and gone and only exists in conversations, memories, the catalogue and documentation. It felt like it was there and over in the blink of an eye. Three-weeks really wasn't long enough for a show like that to marinate.

    Jessie sent me a 'call for applications' with the suggestion of an Adelaide version of Unkept. What do you think Claire? I'm up for it if you both are...
